Trouble-free operation at a low annual cost
This plan is designed to ensure your TelScreen imaging system provides trouble-free operation at a low annual cost. Each plan provides 5 years of system maintenance, remote technical support, and the hardware and software updates needed to maintain system functionality and performance. The total cost is split into 5 annual payments.
• Volume discounts for multiple systems.
• Hassle-free service.
• No deductibles.
• No surprise maintenance / repair / upgrade costs.
Q: My system is 8 years old and no longer functions, can I buy an Infinite Imaging Plan?
A: Yes! You get the immediate value of a computing platform upgrade and 5 years of future coverage on day 1 with the cost spread over 5 annual payments.
Q: I have 4 systems that range from 3 to 7 years old, and one of them is broken. Is an Infinite Imaging Plan a good value for me?
A: Yes! Instead of one big upgrade bill now, and the uncertainty of how long until the other three systems need upgrades, you can cover all 4 systems with a lower annual payment.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: A 5-year plan for a single system currently lists at $7,500 (as of 7/1/2022) payable in 5 annual payments of $1,500. Call or send email for a quote.
Q: What is an "on-site comprehensive upgrade?"
Includes replacement of all EyeRes computing hardware with the latest generation hardware, software, and accessories. A TelScreen technician removes the old system, installs the new system, transfers data from the old system to the new system, and restores any network configuration settings from the prior system (for example, if it was on your windows domain, the new system will be added to your domain. If you had viewing software on other machines in the practice, then that software will be upgraded). While on-site, the technician will also clean/align/focus the optical system, and lubricate the slit-lamp. A comprehensive upgrade includes a 1 year warranty on new hardware.
Q: What is a "remote upgrade?"
TelScreen will ship replacement computing hardware and designated accessories (it is common to not replace the monitor and monitor arm for remote upgrades for example). Customer will remote and reinstall with telephone support from TelScreen. Once the new system is attached to the internet, TelScreen will complete data transfer and configuration remotely. The remote TelScreen technician will test system functionality. A remote upgrade includes a 1 year warranty on any new hardware supplied.
Q: What is an "Infinite Imaging Plan?"
This is a new service offering introduced in 2021 to provide 5 years of comprehensive warranty and upgrade coverage of an EyeRes Imaging System (system only…. does NOT include slit-lamp even if the slit-lamp is a TelScreen slit-lamp). It includes all parts, remote support, remote diagnostics, remote training, software upgrades, and hardware upgrades needed to maintain system performance at the factory recommended level. The plan splits the total cost into 5 annual payments to be more budget friendly for multi-system customers. It also allows the customer to realize volume discounts on software components when they have multiple systems.
Unlike a regular computing platform upgrade, the Infinite Imaging plan also covers the camera and optics for the 5 year period, and it extends the warranty coverage on the computing components for an additional 4 years.